Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bless you Betty Crocker

I was reluctant to buy a Gluten Free Betty Crocker mix, but I recently succumbed and am glad I did...yummy! I subsituted Spectrum palm oil shortening for the butter, making it also dairy free...just delicious!

I will definitely try others.

So so lately...dealing with thyroid issues...will report in after I get the results of my nuclear stuff...NOT!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 about you?

I traveled for two weeks and was good about what I ate. I did partake in dairy from time to time, as the icecream was hard to resist. But only once did I knowingly ingest son and daughter in law's wedding cake...and the next day I suffered, could not get out of the bathroom for a while (pain, cramps). So, as always I know the risk and the consequence.
Yes, my oldest son met a gal, courted briefly, and they married quickly at the courthouse and we were present. She is lovely, funny, crazy about my son, and loves his four girls...WE ALL WIN! HOORAY!

So yes, that is why I sacrificed my insides with a little wedding cake celebration.