I have never heard of popping corn this way, maybe half the world's population does this, but I have never heard of it before I tried it.
I put 1/3 cup popping corn in a large ceramic bowl and poured some oil over the kernels, covered the bowl with a microwaveable ceramic plate and microwaved it for about 4 1/2 min. I still had some unpopped kernels so it could have gone longer, but that's it! I put a little sea salt on it, and since I have put nothing else on it... it is delicious! Hubby likes it too... the bowl is very hot, so be careful. I poured the popped corn into another bowl for snacking on it.
Recently all three sons performed together. It was a dream come true! MY THREE SONS!
Off to visit relatives tomorrow. HUGS
Popcorn sounds great, I too am a fan of all of the new Chex flavors! Must say you have some good lookin boys!
Oh wow, I'll have to try this! I pop it on the stove, but it's a little messy and heats up the kitchen. Thanks for the tip!
Hey Mrs. Fred MacMurray!!! How's ya three sons??? lol. ( I hope you know what I'm talking about.)And actually there wasn't a mom in the show, was there...?
Anyway, I see the three sons; but who's the interloper??? Did he escape perhaps from one of the other sitcoms?
The popcorn idea sounds lovely, except for the fact I cannot eat corn. Wahh. All the more for you!
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