Friday, January 30, 2009

Learned all over again...

I ate so many pieces of my chocolate cake, last night I had a I really surprised. I was just sharing that with Caitlin in a blog comment. I gave in to the craving but it came with painful price. Now, I could blame the migraine on my aftersurgery stuff but I suspect it was from too much chocolate...bad me...oh well... I am fine again, aside from feeling a tad depressed and very snack cake will be minus the chocolate. Perhaps a colorful carrot cake. COOL! Take care.


Caitlin said...

Yeah, gee, that's too bad. I mean, we sensitive types have to give up sooo much yummy stuff, you'd at least think we could sneak a little chocolate here and there. The last time I tried chocolate I got an occular migraine(the aura/kaliedascope in my eye.) It used to develop into a full blown headache, but now it dissipates after about 1/2 hour.)I hope you're feeling right as rain now.

Lynn Barry said...

A little chocolate will slip through me but that day I consumed a LOT of it...bad me...I hear ya...seems we miss so much, then I remind myself that missing the things that make me have such a poor quality of life are not missing in my life...I do have my moments when the words pity party come to mind...LOL HUGS...and thanks for the kind are SUPER!