The Dr removed a large polyp from the lining of my uterus yesterday and said it was smooth so he does not suspect cancer...phew...BUT of course the lab work will have to confirm that. Hubby asked him what he meant by "large" polyp and he said, "Like the size of a Mike n Ike's candy." I love a funny doctor!
Laying low today...feeling fine, just tired. HUGS
Keeping my fingers crossed that the pathology news is as good. And hoping that your "monthly" issues are cleared up as well!
Thanks...I am actully past the monthly it was a post menopause situation that raised the red flag...but thanks for thinking I was of the "monthly" age...HUGS
I hope that you have a speedy recovery. Being post menopause certainly does have advantages but also disadvantages. I find that I require a healthy lifestyle to be my best. So early to bed and sweet dreams to you.
You are so right! Thanks LYNN!!!!! HUGS
As long as it was just one Mike's n Ike's, and not the whole box, that's a relief. Wishing you continued health.
Thanks, Caitlin! I agree...on the whole box thing. HUGS
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