Had a hankerin' for beef stew so I cut up a chuck roast into small pieces, browned the pieces in Spectrum shortening; peeled and cup up carrots, potatoes, and onions; added the veggies to the browned meat, added water to cover, simmered until veggies were soft, thickened it with cornstarch. Added salt and pepper...THAT'S IT! Scumptious!
On the empty nest homefront...After almost three weeks we had a visit from Brad. He had the opportunity to get a ride home so he took it. It is wonderful to have him here, especially seeing how happy he is with college life. Joy abounds. HUGS
1 comment:
I do like stew. However, stew was not one of the best things that my mom used to make. In fact, we used to say,"Eew, stew" when ever she made it. I think a crock pot would be good for stew. I would brown the meat in oil but I would also marinate it first I think because stew meat is not usually a very tender cut. Actually, I'm starting to think about soups/stews again myself. Enjoy.
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