I read about them on Gluten free Guide and Lea's blogs and I went to the store today hoping to find them and there they were... boxes of GLUTEN FREE RICE CHEX.
I got home and practically tore the top off the box, poured some in a bowl, poured rice milk over them, and spooned up some magic. It was wonderful...the picture is halfway through the experience. I felt like I had to capture it...ahhh...delish!
I read that it has molasses in it, perhaps that will be the way for other cereals to join in the gluten free way to go...most have that barley malt and that is what keeps us gluten intolerant eaters from buying them and eating them.
It is a good day for all of us gluten avoiders. RICE CHEX ROCKS!
I seem to be seeing rice-chex all over the blogosphere too! I bet I wont be able to get it here, but handy to see the GF food trends all the same!
D :)
I hope it becomes available where you are soon. It was exciting to actually buy a box of cereal in the cereal aisle instead of the special (always more expensive) food section. YAHOO!
Hey I found you again!
Hi Meesh!
I left a comment on your new site...I am glad you found me. HUGS
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