I am baking wheat flour cookies for the family since I am not doing sweets anymore (not good with Hashimoto's disease)...but I did feel like making something that might be a treat for me, without all the sugar sugar sugar...so I looked on the Honey Nut Chex box and adapted the recipe for ginger almond apple treats.
I mixed 6 cups of Chex with 3 cups of almonds (just plain almonds, not roasted or salted)then melted in microwave 1/4 cup Spectrum shortening, 1/2 cup apple cider molasses and 1 1/2 tsp. ground ginger to boiling, then poured the boiling mixture over the dry mix and stirred... Microwaved it 4 minutes, stirring after each minute, then let it go on its own for 3 min. in the microwave, dumped it in a foil lined pan to cool.
I craved a ginger treat after mixing gingerbread cookie dough...so now I have it! Good for me! HEHE